How uninstall macs fan control
How uninstall macs fan control

how uninstall macs fan control
  1. #How uninstall macs fan control how to#
  2. #How uninstall macs fan control software#

It’s possible those files were doing things necessary for the app that you no longer want, like calling a server or tracking keystrokes. When you find a file or folder you know doesn’t belong – and is associated with the app you deleted – you can also delete the file by right-clicking and selecting ‘Move to Trash,’ or dragging it to the trash bin.ĭeleting these files completes the deletion of an app. Sometimes these files or folders are for updating an app, or managing a Safari extension. Library houses files and folders apps need to operate. If you don’t know what a file or folder is for, leave it alone. Apple hides the Library for a reason: most people shouldn’t go poking through it and deleting files haphazardly. While holding down the option key, select ‘Library’Ī word of caution before you proceed: DO NOT delete files if you’re not sure what they do.Hold down ‘option’ key on keyboard you should see a new option for ‘Library’.Then head to your library folder from Finder: The completely uninstall an app, follow the instructions for deleting an app above. Remember when we told you deleting and uninstalling weren’t the same? Deleting is the first step in the process Apple wants you to do more work! Select the app, right-click, and select ‘Move to Trash.’) Remove apps with the Finder (If you’re on an older version of macOS – or OS X, for the much older versions – and managing apps via iTunes, the process is similar. There, you simply select the app, then right-click and select ‘delete.’ In either Finder or Launchpad, you can drag app icons to the trash bin to delete the apps. Third-party apps also have a small ‘x’ icon on the top right of the icon in this mode, which allows you to delete them.Īnother way to delete apps is from Finder. Like iOS, app icons start to shake in-place, which allows you to move them around. In Launchpad, you can pressing and holding the app's icon to bring up the wiggly app management feature.

#How uninstall macs fan control how to#

How to delete apps on Mac using Launchpad There are two ways to delete apps, though: Finder, and Launchpad. One thing to know is deleting an app isn’t the same as uninstalling it. Whatever the case, there are quick and easy ways to delete apps from your Mac.

#How uninstall macs fan control software#

If you have apps for managing photos or your music library, you may find the new Photos app that comes with macOS or the new Music app do a great job, so the old software you’d been using is redundant. Apple made the decision to discontinue support for 32-bit binaries with macOS Catalina, and many app developers didn’t retrofit their apps to be 64-bit as Apple requested. With macOS Catalina and later, there are plenty of great reasons to delete apps.

How uninstall macs fan control